Virtual Author Visits from Trinka
If you are thinking about a virtual Author’s Visit for your school, please view this recent video of Trinka’s school visit via Zoom.
You can contact her at [email protected]. She’d be happy to discuss it with you.
Trinka Hakes Noble talks from her studio about school visits …“Over my long career as a children’s book author and illustrator, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking at numerous schools, libraries, conferences, and universities. My travels and experiences have varied widely from a barrio school in Texas where English was the second language, to the high plains of North Dakota where every other boy seemed to be named Cody. On the West Coast, a sunny open-aired California school gasped “Awesome” when I described knee-high snow where I grew up in rural Michigan, and in an inner-city New York school, a little second grader innocently asked what it felt like to run barefoot through grass. After sharing The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate The Wash with an Indiana first grade, one little boy asked me how many pet boas I had, not if I had any pet boas! I’ve been delighted, inspired, and profoundly touched by the many thousands of children I’ve met along the way.”
Here is a video from Trinka’s recent visit to a Pennsylvania school.
General Information and Guidelines for an Author’s Visit: Trinka’s presentations are up close, personal, and kid friendly, centering around her books. She discusses how ideas become stories, using the Jimmy’s Boa series, Apple Tree Christmas, The Orange Shoes, The Scarlet Stockings Spy and The Last Brother as examples. She is also an illustrator and uses original art and visual aids in her talk. She does three 45-minute presentations a day with a separate 20 minute presentation for Kindergarten.

And LOOK who wiggled his way into the picture!! That’s right…Jimmy’s Boa!
Trinka will speak to all grades, K-6, with groups numbering between 75 to 150 students, depending on the size of your school. This schedule is flexible and can be tailored to your school’s needs.

The Scarlet Stockings Spy and The Last Brother: A Civil War Tale.
Author Needs: A laptop, projector and screen, a long rectangular table, a sound system preferably with a hands-free, clip-on microphone, two easels to place posters on, chairs for teachers, staff and adults, and a bottle of water.
Autographing Books: To make the autographing of books run smoothly, Trinka requests a post-it on each book with the child’s name, grade and teacher’s name to avoid any mix-ups. She’d also appreciate it if the books were organized by classroom. She is also happy to autograph books in the hotel the night before if overnight travel is involved. This makes the day run smoothly and leaves more time for the kids. Trinka usually brings extra books in case they are needed.
Agreements: Once the date is confirmed for an author’s visit, an agreement will be sent stating all pertinent information along with book ordering information from Trinka’s publishers. Schools receive a discount on books ordered from her publishers. Every effort is made to have the books arrive at your school before Trinka ’s visit. Also, prior to her visit, promo posters and material will be sent to your school to announce and promote the visit.

For more information or to schedule an appearance, please contact Trinka Hakes Noble at [email protected] or:
Carrlee Craig
Publicists and Author Appearance Coordinator
[email protected]
734-619-6226 ext. 104 office